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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1955 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

the optimum (maximum) consumption of energy per unit of time under fixed working


If the relation between the realized useful effect of a working unit and the
quantity of the actually used energy (coefficient of rationalization) is smaller than
the coefficient of the optimum productivity, then the production forces of this working
unit are unrationally (not wholly or too much) utilized. In a given condition the least
possible coefficient of rationalization of a working unit is simultaneously its coefficient
of optimum productivity.

The work efficiency of a working unit under a given productivity of its production
forces and a given quality of a used reproduction material, depends on the
intensity of work. The realized useful effect per worker (worker/day) is the coefficient
of work efficiency. The work efficiency coefficient is greatest at the maximum:
effort of the production forces.

Of the production forces of a working unit are not wholly utilized, the coefficient
of rationalization, could be increased by the intensification of work. In principle,
the intensification is allowed to be performed within the limite of rationalization:,
or optimum productivity.

The increase of productivity is achieved especially: by mechanization, automatization
and rationalization or technical development and by improvement of labour

Economy, in contrast to productivity, compares the realized useful effect with´
the means spent with two or more working units, or with two or more various processes
of production in a way that the most economical working unit or production
process is that by which a higher useful effect is achieved through smaller consumption.

There are two measures for the increase of economy, i. e.: reduction of consumption
and increase of income. This is posible to achieve in different manners,
some of which are directly bound to the strengthening of the production forces of
the society (state) whfe others aim at a more economical utilization of the existing
production forces.

The production forces of the society (state) are to be distributed in each period
of time among the economic branches, so that under their more rational and economical
(optimal) utilization more and more valuable goods will be produced by means
of which primarily the society´s needs will be satisfied. Only under a right distribution
— in addition to other necessary conditions — the production forces of the society
(state) achieve their greatest value, that is they produce material goods wich are
most valuable for the society.

Without a liberalized international trade — within the limits securing the economic
development of undeveloped states — the production forces of the Earth cannot
be utilized to a full extent and economically, nor can the needs of the society (state}
be adequately satisfied as to their importance for the society and its living standard.

By applying all these principles to forest economy in our efforts to balance-
forest production with the total needs of the society (state) as well as with the
general development of the production forces of the society and economy in forestry,,
our aim is to produce permanently on all available forest areas and by the optimum
utilization of available production forces the highest walues primarily in order to»
meet the society´s needs to the highest extent possible.
