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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8/1954 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

3. Prosječni maksimalni broj 1 i 2-godišnjih biljaka nekultiviranog i
kultiviranog pitomog kestena pada u isti visnski stepen (kod 1-god. između
15 i 20 cm, a 2-god. između 115 i 120 cm).
4. Jedno i dvogodišnje biljke iz kultiviranog kestena (maruna) prosječno
"su tek nešto niže od onih nekultiviranih kestena (za 2,2 odnosno
2,4 cm).
5. Pojedini 2-godišnji potomci maruna čak su dostigli veću visinu od:
onih nekultiviranog pitomog kestena.
6. Potomci kultiviranog pitomog kestena pokazali su se jednako otpornima
protiv smrzavanja kao i potomci nekultiviranog kestena. I jedni i
drugi izdržali su bez posljedica temperaturu od —11° C.

1. M. Anić : O rasprostranjenju evropskog pitomog kestena, Zagreb, 1942.
2. B r i x y S.: Prilog unapređenju uspjeha sjetve pitomog kestena, Šum. list, 1952..
3. GiacobbeA. : Coltivazione dei castagneti da frutto, L´alpe, 1931.
4. For t is A.: Saggio d´osservazioni sopra l´isola di Cherso ed Osero, Venezia,.
5. GračaninZ. : Tlo šumskog rasadnika u Frlaniji kod Rijeke, rukopis, Zagreb,
6. N e g r i G.: Distribuzione geografica del castagno e del faggio in Italia, L´alpe,
7. Passerin i N.: Coltivazione delle piante legnose, Agronomia III., Milano,.
8. P e g 1 i o n i V.: Le malattie crittogamiche delle piante coltivate, Casale Monferrato,
9. Tosti-Croc e E.: Utilizzazione dei cedui castanili del campo superiore di
Sozzo, L´Alpe, 1931.

In 1952 and 1953 the author carried out investigations on the quality of 1-yearand
2-year plants received from the seeds of uncultivated and cultivated Sweet
Chestnut (Maroon) with respect to their height, diameter and resistancy to low

On the basis of the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. 1-year and 2-year plants from the seeds of the cultivated Sweet Chestnut are
on an average by 2,2 and 2,4 cm higher than the plants from the seeds of the uncultivated
Sweet Chestnut.
2. The differences in diameter are insignificant. In 1-year plante the differences
in diameter amount to 0,02 cm, and in 2-year plants to 0,08 cm in favour of the plants
from the seeds of the uncultivated Sweet Chestnut.
3. All the plants of both species stood the temperatures of —11° C without being
4. The plants from the Sweet Chestnut seeds are as to their state of development
fully self-applicable as stump plants.

Der Verfasser hat in Jahren 1952 und 1953 Versuche über die Qualität der ein
und zweijährigen Pflanzen aus der Frucht der unkultivierten und kultivierten Edelkastanie
(Marone) im Hinblick auf ihre Höhe, Durchmesser und Widerstandsfestigkeit
gegen die niedrigen Temperaturen ausgeführt.