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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8/1954 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

intensity of germination is expressed by the seed /day zd. Therefore the general formula
(Kn) for the intensity of germination for n days would be:

K» = Z. V

As the number of seed germinated up to the nth day is

Z = (z0 + zt + z2 + + z„)

and the germination period

y = (Zp VQ + 7, Vt + Z2 V2 + . + 7n V„)
(Z„ -t-Zl + Z2 + . . . +„)

where z0, zlt z2 mean the number of germinated seeds in the individual days,
and v0,- Vj, v2 the individual days, and v0, v1; v2 the number of days
of germination from the point of observation, the above mentioned formula can also
he written as follows:

v ,„. , , , , > (zn v0 + 7\ v1 + z, v„ + + z„ y„)

K" = (Z° + Z1 + Zo + Z") " — ;

(70 + 2j + Z2 + + Z„)

K» = [z] !g) = [iv]

The conclusion on the germination intensity have been reached by the inductive
method in following the number of seeds and the flow structure, i. e. the average
germination period. The proof for the correctness and the foundation of these conclusione
ds furnished by statics.

Let us imagine that the days of germinatiotn from the moment of the laying of
the seeds into the germinator up to the day of observation are plotted on the abscissa
axis, and that the germinated seeds in he days of germination behave like parallel
forces perpendicular to this axis. If we construct by means of the polygon of forces
and the funicular polygon the resultant of these forces by their magnitude, direction
and position with respect to the point of observation, we obtain -because the forces
are parallel — in the constructed resultant (R) the total numb3r of germinated seeds
up to the day of observation (Z), and in the level of the resultant in respect to the
fulcrum (RR) the average germination period (V), and in the momentum (Rr^-v
the intesity of germination (ZV). Therefore RrR = Z. V, or M" = K". By means of
numerical computation we arrive at the same resultat. The theorem on the force
momentum is: the algebraic sum of the momenta of the individual forces in the
same plane is equal to the momentum of their resultant in respect to the same point
in the plane, thus

R rÄ -P0 r0 + Pt rt + + P„ r„ = 2 Pr = [Pr]

P = individual forces, r = distances of the individual forces from the point of mo

numentum (time of observation).

Therefore there exists also numerically a complete analogy with the evolved

formula for the intensity of germination. It is only necessary to substi

tute the number of germinated seeds z for the individual forces P, and the germina

tion period for the level r. This is an evidence of the correctness of the above man

tioned conclusions.

In a separate chapter the author gives further explanations of the working

technique in the determination of the intensity of germination, and in a further chapter

he works out in detail a special diagrammatic example in order to emphasize the

-connection of this calculation with the theory of combinations. In his final conside

rations he speaks briefly of the application of the germination intensity.