prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 8/1954 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

odgovaraju raznim fazama toka klijanja. Na isti način mogu se u vezi sa
krivuljama toka klijanja komparirati i intenziteti klijavosti sjemenja
raznovrsnog pa- i raznorodnog drveća.

Napokon mogu intenziteti klijavosti poslužiti i kod detaljnih
komparativnih analiza toka klijanja i krivulja klijanja odnosno njihovih
dijelova bez obzira na ishodište koordinata, ili bolje rečeno tako,
kao 4a svaka krivulja klijanja počinje u ishodištu koordinata. Krivulje
klijanja sjemena su sve više na desno pomaknute, što je sjeme lošijeg
kvaliteta, ali pokazuju sličan tok klijanja. Za detaljnu analizu tih krivulja
daće pravu sliku tek intenziteti klijavosti proračunati tako kao
da su sve krivulje klijanja pomaknute u lijevo, da im se ishodišne tačke

Uopće je za svaki detaljniji studij toka i učina klijanja, t. j . ukratko
klijavosti poznavanje intenziteta klijavosti neophodno potrebno,
jer samo ta veličina može matematski ispravno i potpuno pouzdano odrediti
efektivnu vrijednost klijanja i po broju proklijalih zrna i po vremenu


The author is of opinion that in the usual sense of the word there exists no
special »germinative energy«. There exists only the number of seeds germinated in a
given period and expressed in percentages. The author does not enter into the field
of a deeper consideration of the so-called germinative energy or germination percentage
at the end of the performed germination test. In his article the author aims only
at giving a mathematically correct expression for the results of germination obtained
in the initial stage of analysis i. e. for so-called germinative energy or germination
in general.

Neither the germination capacity at the end of the analysis or in a shorter interval,
nor the average time of dormancy or the average germination period of seed
in itself give a mathematically correct expression for the effective value of seed germination
i. e. they do not yield us a true expression for the appreciation of the seed

The so-called germinative power yields only the number of seed germinated
within a given period but it does not head the flow structure of germination, while
the average germination period, by which the author operates instead
of the average dormancy of seed, expresses only the flow structure
of germination, and completely ignores the number of germinated seeds. What the
so-called germinative energy is lacking is furnished by the average germination period,
and what the latter is lacking is given by the so-called germinative energy. This
means that the germinative energy and the average germination
perio d are complementary.

The number of germinated seeds in a given period, that is, the germination
percentage for this period, as well as the distribution of days in which the seeds
have germinated, that is, the flow structure of germination or the average germination
period are only the basic factors in the determination of the effect of germination,
both of which are to be expressed in one magnitude, so that the quality of
the seed might be determined completely and correctly. This magnitude is th e
intensity of ger ml nation. According to this, the result of the correct and

i. e. the intensity of germination could be mathematically determined in a correct and
liable manner only by the product of the two factors: the number of germinated
seed (Z) and the average germination period (V). The