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ŠUMARSKI LIST 12/1953 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF


(m) označava drvnu masu preborne sastojine po hektaru poslij e
(p) je postotak prirasta drvne mase (m), a (1) je ophodnjica.
U formulama (13a) i (14a) možemo mjesto (m) uvrstiti faktor


jer je: M = m l´O pl.

\ro v>\

Ako je na pr. p = 3%, ako je 1 = 10 godina i ako je površina šume
10 ha, onda je:

m l 03J~~ l

G"„ =
= m X 11-46



1. Brasnet t N. V.: Planned Management of Forests, Oxford 1953.
Chapma n H.: Forest Management, New York 1931.
J e r r a m M. R. K.: Textbook on Forest Management, London 1945.
F 1 ur y Ph.: tJber die Wachstumsverhaltnisse des Plenterwaldes, Mitteilungen
der Scheweizerischen Anstalt fiir das forstliche Versuchswesen, Zurich 1933
K1 e p a c D.: Sastojinsko ili stablimično gospodarenje, Šumarski list,
Zagreb 1950.
K 1 e p a c D.: Uređivanje šuma s oplodnom sječom, Glasnik za šumske pokuse
br. 9, Zagreb 1952.
7. Matthew s D. M.: Management of American Forests, New York 1935.
M i 1 e t i ć Ž.: Osnovi uređivanja preborne šume, Beograd 1950.
S eh li eh: Manuel of Forestry, Vol. III. Forest Management, London 1895^
W o o 1 s e y S. T.: American Forest Regulation, Policy and theory of regulation
of cut and application to extensive stands, New Haven 1922.

In this article the author describes two formulae: S i m m on s´formula (5)
and Munger´s formula (10). Simmons´ formula is a general expression for
the formulae methods for the calculation of the annual yield (E). In the formula (5)

(x) represents the limit under which the growing stock is not measured (Vide fig.
No 1.). When x = o, Simmons´ formula turns to Von Mantel´s formula (1);
when x = V3 rotation, Simmons´ formula turns to Melard´s formula (6); when
x = V2 rotation, Simmons´ formula turns to H u f n a g l´s formula (7); whea
x = 2/3 rotation, Simmons ´ formula turns to the formula (9).
Munger´ s formula (10) is accepted as a correct basis on which to calculate
the growing stock in selection forest. (Vide fig. No 2).
The author gives also the formulae (13, 13a, 14 et 14a) for the growing stock
in selection forest. In this formulae (m) means reserved timber per cutting area;

= cutting cycle; (p) = increment %.