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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7/1951 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

volumes of logs, according to the formula: v = g 1; 4. diameter reading of a stand´s
average trunk for a given base (sum of circular cross-outs) and the number of trunlks
in a stand; 5. volume reading of standing trunks based upon the breast diameter and
height, for six species of trees: beech, oak, spruce, fir, scotch pine and oolrsican pine;

6. reading of an aproximative volume for an ha of pure, tall, evenaged stands of beech,
pine, fir and spruce (if oil owing the Gerding-iBotigreve formula, V = GF , H . a) for
a known average height of standi and´ density.
Having in view that all calculations mentioned under ll, 3, 4, 5 and 6, aire based

on muHtriplicatioa and division, results´ on the shide-rule are found out by addition, na

mely substraction of logarithmus of those factors which act in certain formulas.

Besides these usual logarithm divfeioins (Ii, and Mi) which are used for multipli

cation and division:, the main roitOT is divided (Ig) logarithms g — surface od cross

cuts haVing imarkes of corresponding diameters. On the sliding rotor there are markes

(II2, II3, H4, M5, lie and II7) of logarithms of average value hf for some species of trees,

having marks of corresponding heights. On the sliding rotor there are also» the marks

(lis, and Hg) — logarithms of average values GFH bearing makrs of various average

stand´s heights; values GF are taken for ibeech and fir 11(6 mi2, and for pin, eand spruce

IS m2. — At the backside of the main rotor there are lines hf for different species of

trees by whicht it is possible to find out the value hf for every trunk with known dia

meter and height.

The use of slide-rule is very simple ;the sliding rotor has the role of the slider
on a slide-rule ,and readings are affectuated through the transparent sliding index.
Rotary form of slide-rule (which were known a long time ago) is especially useful in
forestry practice owing to its portability; its size d = 1,2,5 cm, which corresponds to
a slide-rule of about 40 cm, secures a satisfactory precise reading, which faciliates its
use instead of various tables applied in Dendrometry.

cTe st/meae kifj-iäennoM

Ing. Rainer Franjo: O vplivu gozdov na vodni režim, Ljubljana 1950, ztaložila
Uprava za napredek v proizvodnji pri Planski komisiji LRS, 26 stranica teksta i 20
stranica fotografskih snimaka^

Autor raspravlja o sledećim glavnim problemima u pogledu uticaja šuma na vodni
režim: 1. Upliv šuma na ukupno oticanje vode; 2. upliv šuma na stanje visokih voda
u vodotocima; 3. upliv šuma na stanje niskih voda u vodotocima; 4. upliv šuma na
razvoj erozije i prenos materijala u vodotocima; 5. upliv šuma na količinu i čistoću
vode u izvorima. Autor navodi objektivne i znanstvenim istraživanjima potvrđene podatke
o uplivu šuma na vodni režim u šumi i izvan šume. Iz tih podataka slijede zaključci
i smjernice ne samo za šumsku privredu, nego i za sve one privredne grane,
na koje se protežu posledice upliva šuma i biljnog pokrova. Raspravu ilustriraju brojni
originalni fotografski snimci erodiranih i opustošenih zemljišta.

Svrha je ove rasprave, da upozori širu javnost a j uže stručne krugove na ulogu,
koju vrše šume u narodnoj privredi. Šume nisu samo izvor drvnih sirovina, nego su
pre svega nenadoknadiv regulator vodne zalihe, koja je uslov za elektrifikaciju, izgradnju
Vodnih prometnih arterija i za melioracione radove u unapređenju poljoprivrede.
Veći propusti i poremećaji u podržavanju proizvodne sposobnosti šumskog zemljišta
a time i podržavanju retenzivne sposobnosti šuma za oborine mogu nanijeti ozbiljne
štete celokupnoj privredi. Pitanja šumske privrede i biljnog pokrova u sabirnim područjima
voda tesno su povezana s pitanjima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, industrije,
vodne i energetske privrede. Stoga je pri proučavanju i perspektivnom plamns-anju razvoja
naše socijalisttčne privrede po pomenutim pitanjima neophodno potrebna saradnja
šumara, agronoma, hidrologa, hidrotehničara i´ ostalih stručnjaka. U tom pogledu bit
će potrebno i kod nas organizovati znanstveno4straživački nad.

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