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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1951 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF


The author discusses albout the yield of beechwood rotary logs in production of
plywood. The yield of beechwood rotary logs s 38 do 42%, average 40%. The wastes
average: on the rotary lathe 29%, clipper 10%, roller veneer dryer 6%, sizing clipper
4%, circular saws 4°/o, 3-drum sander 5%.

The wastes are of these sorts: wet and dry veneer 22,7%, central cylinders 17,4%,
small pieces of the veneer 2,3%, narrow pieces of the plywood 3,2%, woodflour and
saw-dust 3,8%, scarping 1,7%, the loss of the drying veneers 6,2%, All this percentage
are from the volume of the log without the bark.

The author discusses the influence of curvature of log, excis´on of the knots,
defects inside the log, elliptical cross cut and eccentricity position of the log im the
rotary lathe and gives the formulas, for yield and wastes.

If the length of logs is 230 cm, diameter 30 100 cm and if ´t is curved from
1 to 4 cm in height from the arch, the wastes are´ from \2 If the diameter of knot s from 2,5 to 10 cm and diameter of the log from 30 to
100 cm, the percentage of wastes is from 0,8 to 7%..

It the difference between diameters of the logs is from 1 to 10 cm, when they
have the lenght 230 cm and diameters from-30 to 100 cm the percentage of eccentric
veneer is from il to 33%. .

The eccentricity of the log in the rotary lathe diminishes the yield in greater
quantity, but eccentricity can be removed with attentive woric.
The author discusses about the use of the wastes.

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