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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1951 str. 93     <-- 93 -->        PDF



-Balkan pine is the kind of pine which grows mainly on the Balkan Peninsula,
that is in Jugoslavia (P. R. of Bosnia and Hercegovina, P. R. of Montenegro, P. K.
ScrbiawKosmot), Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. Outside the Balkan Peninsula it can
bo found in South Italy only (Calabria and Basilicata). Balkan pine appears
in two forms: Pinus Heldreichii Christ, var. leucodermis (Antoine) Markgraf and
Pinus Hedreichii Christ, var. typica. In this case we inverstingated — tho first form.

Our tosk was to investigate the most characteristic properties of its gumi balsam
and gum spirits of turpentine with particular consideration on the possibility to
obtain the quality balsam.

The gum of Balkan pine is a viscous whitisch mass with very pleasant and
aromatic odour of a lemon. At the usual temperature it will stayviscous for a
longer time.

The balsam, obtained by filtration of crude gum of the Balkan pine is a pale
yellowisch liquid with a pleasant and aromatic odour of a lemon. It has consistency
of honey, has noi crystals and it is transparent and very adhesive.

Refractive indice of the balsam is L516 (measured at 20,IC with a Fisher rcfraotometer)
and- specific gravity 0.994.

According to t´ho up to this date results of its applications in microscopical
technique, histological preparations set in the balsam of the ´Balkan pine will not
change colour.

_By filtration of crude gum in laboratory 20 to 33"/o of ´balsam was obtained.

.´ Gum spirits of turpentine of the Balkan! pine is a liquid of a pleasant and aromatic
odour (which is similar to the odours of other kinds oif pine gums) with a
trace of odour of a lemon and similar to the odour oif oJl from fir seeds. ´Specific
gravity oif gum Spirits of turpentin is 0.864—0.865 and refractive mdiee J.4Ö6.

In Jugoslavia exists possibility for turpentining and thils kind of pine. This
will make possibi´le to obtain quality gum rosin, gum spirits of turpentine and balsam.
The Balkan pine balsam can successfully replace Canada balsam not only in microscopical
technique, but, with consideration to its good adhesiveness, there are indications
that it can be successfully used for optical technique asi well as in production
of porcelain lacquers.
