prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1951 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

let precej enakomerna, zelo pa je napredovala proizvodnja celuloze;
njuno medsebojno razmerje se je torej bistveno spremenilo. Seveda so
premene na surovinski bazi prav tako vplivale na tak razvoj, kakor stalno
naraščajoga potreba celuloze. Pri nas pa spreminjamo razmerje posameznih
panog lesne industrije še vedno v obratni smeri, tj. povečuje se
sorazmerno obseg žagarske proizvodnje, ne razvijajo pa se primerno ostale
panoge. Zato bo najvažnejša naloga perspektivnega plana za razvoj lesne
industrije v določitvi najustreznejšega razmerja posameznih panog lesne
industrije v skladnosti z dano surovinsko bazo.

Nova smer lesne industrije se torej bavi prvenstveno z vprašanjem,
kako pridobiti iz lesne gmote! čim več proizvodov. Tu imamo tuđi najmocnejši
vzvod za napredek v našem lesnem gospodarstvu.

Za sklep moremo povzeti tele misli:

1. Narodno- gospodarstvo mora skrbeti, da se zagotovijo potrebne
množine lesa za potrošnjo, za industrijo in za izvoz.
2. Vzajemni odnosi med narodnim in lesnim gospodarstvom ne dopuščajo,
da se slabi produktivna sposobnost gozdov.
3. Uravnoteženje lesne bilance je glavni pogoj za ureditev gozdnega
4. Doseči se mora konstruktiven odnos lesne industrije do lastne
surovinske baze; zato se mora lesna industrija prilagoditi stvarnim pogojem
gozdnega zaledja,
5. Poudarek za varčevanje z lesom bo ostal prazna beseda, dokler
se po glavnih tirih proizvodnje ob primitivni tehniki zaostale industrije,
ne bo les bol premišljeno in racionalnejše uporabljal.

Forest production becomes a serious problem for the european and also for
"the world economy. The steady and increasing demand of wood is covered by

excessive exploatatian of the forests. Also in our country the export demands

considerable lots of wood and due to the industrialisation of the country the home-

demand for wood is increasing, specially for structural and industrial timber. The

problem of analysing the relation between our national economy and its, in our

case most important branch, forest production, is becoming urgent.

W:th a view at perspective planning all possibilities are considered to improve

gradually the present disproportion between the actual capacity of our forests

and consumption and finally to abolish .it). Forest production and wood industry

are production factors in the frame off, forest economy: closest cooperation with

all economic branches, which have an urgent need for wood, is necessary. The

capital!. svippcsirJoin, in regulating conditions of our forest indusitry lis equilibrating

the wood balance.

There are new ways in forest economy in growing of forests, progressive.

wood industry and in an altered, new view at the important raw material-wood.

Countries, ´rniportiing wood and also these, which export it, are occupied with the

urgent problems of forest economy. As the lack of wood becomes actual also in

our country, we have to find new ways for our conditions too. Our wood-industry

has to change its method of producing certain final products from certain forest

products and will have to utilize our forest stocks, which are the primary, natural

products, in a more rational way.

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