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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1950 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

Primjena skidera tražit će i izvjesne promjene u organizaciji sječine..
U stručnoj štampi drugih zemalja (SSSR) se mnogo raspravlja o raznim
shemama podjele sječine na linije kao i o organizaciji rada na linijama u
vezi sa upotrebom skidera. Jednom drugom prilikom osvrnut ćemo se i na.
to pitanje.

Upotrebi jena literatura:

l1. Miller M. S. — Rešetov A. V.r Trelevka lesa lebedkamd TL-3 s rasstojanija di;
300 «i; Les. prom. br. 4/1950.

2. Teterim B. A., Trelevka lesoimaterialov »gibkoi vetvju«: Les. prom .br. 12/1949.
3. Ogui M. S., Rabota treilevocnyh lebedoik TL-3 v gornyh ´uslovijah Karpat; Les.
prom. br. 11/1949.
4. Kiščenlko- T. I., Potocnyj metod trelevki i pogruzki lesa lebedikod; Les. prom.
br. 12/1949.
5. Brown N. C, Logging — principles and practices in the USA and Canada.
New York, 1944.
6. Gayer—Fahriciius, Die Forstbeniutzunig, Berlin 1935.
7. Skagit Steel and Iron Works — prospekt.
8. Washingtom Iron Works — prospekti.
Napomena : Sistemi montaže užeta ´američkih skidera uzeti su iz Skagit prospekta
gdje su načinjeni po direktivama J. Keneth Pearce, profesora eksploatacije
šuma na College of Forestry univerziteta u Washingtonü.

The use of skidders in logging

In this article author discusses about the possibility to employ the skidders im
the logging operations in Yougoslavia. The skidders and the methods of skidding and
yarding in USA and SSSR are described in this article.

´ The skidders can be employed only when clear cuttings of great forest area aire
made. In the mountain areas with selective cuttings, the skidders can be employed,
but it is not possible to copy the methods of skidding in USSR and USA, because the
stands and soil — differences which exists between the occasion in these countries and
Yougoslavia. The dotty of Yougoslav specialists in the forest exploatation and logging,
is to invent new methods of skidding, which oould be employed in mountain regions of