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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1950 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

Što se tiče samog sastava, kanadski balsam, prema Wienhaus-u ima
oko 25% terpena (opšte formule .10.1.) a na odgovarajuće smolne kiseline
i neutralne delove dolazi oko 75% (opšte formule C20H30O,) (8). Balsam
molike ima oko 23% terpentinskog ulja vrlo aromatičnog mirisa a na
smolne kiseline dolazi oko 77% (kolofon). Ovo molikovo terpentinsko ulje
ima specifičnu težinu od 0,862 a indeks loma mu je 1,462.


1. Dri. H. Schmied: Standorte und Bestände für Gewinnung hellen Lärchenbalsams.
Ost. Forst,- u. HoJzwirtschaft. Br, 14/K949.
2. Ing. Bran. Pejo&ki: O fiiltrovanju borovih simolai, Šumi Met br. 2/1949.
3. Vezes-Dupont. Résines et Térébenthines, Paris 1924.
4. Prof. Dr. Ivo Horvat: Biološki odnosi između šume i: planinskih pašnjaka, ŠUrmarstvo
br. 3/1949.
5. A. Tschirch: Methoden der Gewinnung und des Abbaues der Harze. Afodarhalden-
Handbuch der biologischen Arbeiitsimethoden, Berlin—Wien .23.
6. T. ii D. Varićak: Primjena smole molike (Pinus peuce) u mikroskopskoj) tehnici
i optici, Glasnik: biološke sekcije Zagreb 1947.
7. O. DdschendOirfer: Die Harze, Handbuch der Pflanzenana.lvse — G. Klein,
Wien ,11932,
8. Dr. H. Wienhaus: Les résines des coniferes d´Allemagne leurs constituants et
leur ´transformations dans le traitement du bois, Bulletin de l´Institut du Pin, No
36/1907 Bordeaux.
.....1. .....1. ..........1 ......... ........ ........

B ....... 1949 .... ....... ............ 6... .. ...... ......... ......... ......
(Pirnas peuce Grisebach). ........ .......... .........:
.) ...... 1948 ...., ....... .... ........... . 1949 .... .... 38,8% ........
. 61,2% .......... .. ............ .......
.) ......, .......... . ....... ......... ........ 1949 .... .... 44,8% ........
. 55,2% .......... .. ........... .......
......... ..... .......... ...... ... ............ .......... .... : ........
80,3%, ......... 12,9% ........ 5,8% . .......... (....) 1%.
......... ....... ..... ........ ... 0,998 (20°), .......... ...... 1.516 . ...
.......... .... 23% ......... . 77% ........, ........ .......... ..............
......, ero ........ ... 0,862 . ero ...... 1.462.
.......... ....... ...... ....... .. ..... ....... ....., ......... . .....
...... ..........) ........>...> .......&....


In the course of 1949, there had been for the first time organized a territorial
production of balsam of Pinus peiuce (Grdesebach). The atained results are thus:
a) The pitch of 1948 filtered m the course od ´1949 yielded: 38,8% of balsam, 61,2%

were apportioned to the remainder of pitch.
b) The pitch abtaiimed during the crop in 1949 yielded: 44,8% of balsam and 55,2%
of the remaining pitch.
The filtration of the remaining pitch yielded: 80,3% of colophony, 12,9% of turpentine
oil, 5,8%. of residuens, and 1% of evaporated water.

The Pinus pence (balsam) has the specific weight of 0„998 (at a temperature od
2...) its constant coefficient (index) of fracture is 1.316. When filterated it yields 23;%
vi turpentine oil and 77% of colophony. The turpentine oil is of a very pleasant and
aromatic fragrance. Its specific weight is 0,862, its fracture — coefficinet 1,462. The
balsam shows a lioht yellow to a dark yellow colour. The light colour is transparent
and of good adhesiveness.