prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1949 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

blemima, nego što ili rješava poljoprivreda. Moramo imati i više vjere
u vlastite proizvodne snage, koje, oslobođene kapitalističkih okova, mogu
riješiti i one probleme, koji se čine i najiskusnijim rutinerima nerješivim.

Pred šumarske pak naučne radnike postavlja se častan zadatak, da
svojim znanjem potpomognu te radove i da time šumarsku nauku neposredno
uključe u izgradnju socijalizma, a time i u izgradnju boljeg života
radnog naroda,

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The article treats the principles of the planing and their appliance to the planing
of the forestry. The planing i e. the management of the economy is possible and
necessary only in the socialism. The industrial, agricultural and forest production
differ in essence, and the planing is done by special methodologies. In the article
the principal rule of the planing is developed in the shape of a formula, the capacities
of the forest-production are treated: the capacity of the increase and the capacity
of the exploatition, and the formula for the management is appHcated to the both

The article explainss that the exploatation of the forests equalizes in essence
to the industrial production, and in essence differs from the forest-production,

i. e. from the production of the wooden mass, which he names in the formula th
capacity of the increase. The article proves the indispensable necessity that the
perspective plans of the forestry must be brought in longer periods than the partial
perspective plans generally done for the state. After the theoretic part, the article
submits to the critilue the existing planing and points out the urgency of the publication
of the general direction for forest-economy, but by all means earlier than on
begins finally to arrange the forests.